TRex Polymorph 5e

Discover the Power of Polymorph 5e: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by: Staff



Time to read 15 min

In this article, we are going to delve deep into the power and possibilities that Polymorph 5e. Whether you're a seasoned wizard or a newcomer to the magical world, understanding the ins and outs of Polymorph 5e can immensely enhance your gameplay. Polymorph 5e allows players to shape-shift into various creatures, altering their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. From turning into a mighty dragon to transforming into a tiny squirrel, the possibilities are endless. With our comprehensive guide, you'll learn not only how to effectively utilize Polymorph 5e but also gain helpful tips, tactics, and strategies to maximize its potential. Get ready to explore the mechanics, limitations, and variations of Polymorph 5e , and discover clever ways to outsmart your foes using this transformative spell. So, grab your spellbook, summon your imagination, and let us embark on this magical journey together as we unveil the power of Polymorph in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Let the enchanted adventure begin!

What is Polymorph 5e and how does it work?

In the captivating world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, the spell Polymorph stands out as a transformative and versatile tool in the arsenal of spellcasters. This enchanting spell allows players to shapeshift into a wide range of creatures, granting them access to a diverse array of abilities, strengths, and even weaknesses. Whether you're a wizard seeking to unleash your full magical potential or a druid embracing the primal powers of nature, understanding the mechanics and intricacies of Polymorph 5e is essential for any aspiring adventurer.

At its core, Polymorph 5e is a transmutation spell that enables the caster to transform a creature, including themselves, into a new form. This transformation is not merely a superficial change in appearance; it fundamentally alters the target's physical and mental capabilities, allowing them to harness the unique traits and abilities of the chosen creature. From a mighty dragon to a nimble squirrel, the possibilities are truly endless, making Polymorph 5e a versatile and powerful tool in the hands of skilled players.

The mechanics of Polymorph 5e are as follows: the spell requires a casting time of 1 action, a range of 60 feet, and a duration of up to 1 hour. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, and if they fail, they are transformed into a new form as specified by the caster. The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by those of the new form, while their equipment is either absorbed or falls to the ground. The target retains their personality and alignment, and they can still use their class features, as long as their new form is capable of doing so. However, they cannot cast spells or take any other actions that require hands or speech, unless their new form can do so. This delicate balance between transformation and limitations is what makes Polymorph 5e a captivating and strategic spell to wield in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.

Beast Table:

CR Beast
0 1 - Rat, 2 - Cat, 3 - Bat, 4 - Frog, 5 - Lizard, 6 - Crab
1/8 1 - Mastiff, 2 - Mule, 3 - Hawk, 4 - Owl, 5 - Badger, 6 - Octopus
1/4 1 - Axe Beak, 2 - Giant Weasel, 3 - Flying Snake, 4 - Giant Frog, 5 - Panther, 6 - Giant Crab
1/2 1 - Giant Wasp, 2 - Giant Sea Horse, 3 - Warhorse, 4 - Giant Goat, 5 - Giant Lizard, 6 - Swarm of Ravens
1 1 - Brown Bear, 2 - Dire Wolf, 3 - Giant Eagle, 4 - Giant Toad, 5 - Lion, 6 - Tiger
2 1 - Allosaurus, 2 - Giant Boar, 3 - Giant Constrictor Snake, 4 - Saber-Toothed Tiger, 5 - Rhinoceros, 6 - Ankylosaurus
3 1 - Giant Scorpion, 2 - Killer Whale, 3 - Polar Bear, 4 - Manticore, 5 - Elephant, 6 - Triceratops
4 1 - Stegosaurus, 2 - Saber-Toothed Tiger, 3 - Giant Crocodile, 4 - Roc, 5 - Mammoth, 6 - Tyrannosaurus Rex
5 1 - Bulette, 2 - Dire Troll, 3 - Hydra, 4 - Behir, 5 - Purple Worm, 6 - Remorhaz
6 1 - Aboleth, 2 - Adult Black Dragon, 3 - Goristro, 4 - Kraken, 5 - Adult Blue Dragon, 6 - Adult Green Dragon

Homebrew: Polymorph Dice of Destiny

Concept: Introduce an element of randomness to the Polymorph spell by incorporating dice rolls to determine the transformed creature. This adds a fun and unpredictable twist to the spell, making it more exciting and varied in gameplay.


  1. Casting Polymorph Dice of Destiny:

    • When you cast Polymorph, you can choose to use the Polymorph Dice of Destiny instead of selecting a specific beast form.
    • Roll a set of dice to determine the creature the target will transform into.

  1. Dice Roll Table:

    • Roll 2d10 (two ten-sided dice) to determine the Challenge Rating (CR) of the creature.
    • Use the following table to find the CR:
    • Dice Roll TotalChallenge Rating

When rolling physical dice you will need to roll 2x d10 to get your final number, you can use an auto roller, dnd beyond or use physical dnd dice , or metal dice .


  • A wizard casts Polymorph Dice of Destiny on an ally.
  • The wizard rolls 2d10, resulting in a total of 14.
  • According to the table, this corresponds to a CR 3 creature.
  • The wizard then rolls 1d6 and gets a 5.
  • The ally transforms into an Elephant for the duration of the spell.

Strengths of Polymorph 5e

  • Transforming allies into powerful beasts like a giant ape or T-Rex can significantly enhance their combat effectiveness.

  • Turning into a flying or swimming creature can help navigate difficult terrain or escape dangerous situations.

  • Provides temporary hit points by transforming into a creature with a high hit point pool, which can absorb damage without affecting the original form's hit points.

  • Transforming enemies into harmless creatures like sheep or frogs can neutralize dangerous foes temporarily.

  • Allows characters to adapt to different environments and scenarios by choosing appropriate beast forms.

Weaknessess of Polymorph 5e

  • Can only transform into beasts, limiting the pool of potential forms. This restriction excludes many powerful or versatile forms like dragons, elementals, or fiends.

  • The target assumes the mental abilities (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) of the new form, which can severely limit the transformed creature’s cognitive and decision-making abilities.

  • The caster must maintain concentration for the spell’s duration, making it vulnerable to being disrupted by damage or other concentration-breaking effects.

  • The transformation lasts only up to 1 hour and ends if the creature drops to 0 hit points, making it a temporary solution rather than a permanent change.

Benefits of using Polymorph 5e in gameplay

The benefits of utilizing Polymorph 5e in your Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition gameplay are numerous and can significantly impact the course of your adventures. One of the primary advantages of this spell is its ability to grant the caster or their allies a versatile array of abilities and strengths that can be tailored to the specific situation at hand.

By transforming into a powerful creature, the target can gain access to a wide range of physical capabilities, such as enhanced strength, speed, senses, and even the ability to fly or swim. This can be particularly useful in overcoming challenging obstacles, evading threats, or engaging in high-stakes combat. Imagine turning a party member into a mighty dragon, granting them the ability to breathe fire and soar through the skies, or transforming a rogue into a nimble spider, allowing them to scale vertical surfaces with ease.

Another significant benefit of Polymorph 5e is its potential to provide a tactical advantage in combat. By transforming an enemy into a less formidable creature, the caster can effectively neutralize a threat, opening up new opportunities for their allies to strike. Alternatively, the caster can use Polymorph 5e to turn a party member into a powerful creature, granting them a temporary boost in combat capabilities. This strategic use of the spell can be the deciding factor in a heated battle, allowing players to outmaneuver and outperform their opponents.

Beyond combat, Polymorph 5e also offers exciting possibilities for role-playing and exploration. By transforming into different creatures, players can gain unique perspectives, unlock new avenues of investigation, and even interact with the world in novel ways. Imagine a wizard polymorphing into a tiny mouse to sneak through a narrow passage or a druid transforming into a majestic eagle to soar over a vast landscape, unlocking hidden secrets and opportunities.

The versatility of Polymorph 5e is truly remarkable, and its potential to enhance the overall gameplay experience is undeniable. Whether you're seeking to overcome challenges, gain a tactical edge, or simply explore the world in new and exciting ways, this transformative spell is a valuable tool that every Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition player should consider mastering.

Polymorph 5e spells and their effects

In the vast array of spells available in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Polymorph 5e stands out as a unique and captivating option. This transformative spell comes in several variations, each with its own distinct effects and applications. Understanding the nuances of these Polymorph 5e spells can greatly enhance your ability to strategize and adapt to the ever-changing challenges of your adventures.

One of the most well-known and commonly used Polymorph 5e spells is simply called "Polymorph." This spell allows the caster to transform a creature, including themselves, into a new form of their choice. The target's game statistics are replaced by those of the new form, granting them access to a wide range of abilities and characteristics. This versatile spell can be used to transform allies into powerful creatures, neutralize threats by turning them into less formidable beings, or even allow the caster to explore the world in a new and exciting way.

Another variation of Polymorph 5e is the "True Polymorph" spell. This more powerful and permanent version of the spell not only transforms the target but also allows the caster to permanently change the target's form, effectively altering their very nature. True Polymorph 5e can be used to transform a creature into an object or even another creature, with the transformed target retaining their personality, memories, and class features. This spell opens up a realm of strategic possibilities, from transforming a powerful foe into a harmless creature to permanently altering the appearance and capabilities of an ally.

In addition to these core Polymorph 5e spells, there are also several related spells that offer unique variations and applications. For example, the "Shapechange" spell allows the caster to transform into a wide range of creatures, including legendary and mythical beings, granting them access to a vast array of abilities and powers. The "Wildshape" ability, commonly associated with Druids, is another form of Polymorph 5e that enables the caster to transform into various animal forms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Mastering the nuances of these Polymorph 5e spells and their effects is crucial for players who seek to fully harness the transformative power of this magical discipline. By understanding the unique capabilities and limitations of each spell, you can strategically employ them to overcome challenges, outmaneuver opponents, and explore the world of Dungeons & Dragons in new and captivating ways.

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Polymorphing 5e into different creatures - a list of options

One of the most exciting aspects of Polymorph 5e is the sheer diversity of creatures that players can transform into. From the mighty and majestic to the small and nimble, the options available offer a wealth of possibilities for players to explore and utilize in their Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventures.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most prominent and versatile creature options for Polymorph 5e:

Dragons: Transforming into a dragon is a dream for many Dungeons & Dragons players, and Polymorph 5e makes this dream a reality. By assuming the form of a dragon, the caster gains access to a powerful suite of abilities, including a devastating breath weapon, impressive physical strength, and the ability to take flight. From the majestic gold dragon to the fearsome red dragon, these iconic creatures offer a range of transformative options for players to consider.

Beasts: The animal kingdom of Dungeons & Dragons is vast and diverse, and Polymorph 5e allows players to tap into this wealth of possibilities. From the nimble and agile spider to the powerful and ferocious bear, the array of beast forms available can grant the caster a wide range of physical capabilities, sensory enhancements, and even unique movement modes, such as climbing or swimming.

Magical Creatures: Delving deeper into the fantastical realms of Dungeons & Dragons, Polymorph 5e also offers the opportunity to transform into a variety of magical creatures. These include the graceful and elusive unicorn, the cunning and mischievous pixie, and the enigmatic and powerful phoenix. Each of these magical forms comes with its own set of enchanting abilities, allowing players to harness the power of the arcane in new and innovative ways.

a player turned in to a shark using polymorph 5e in dnd

Legendary Creatures: For the truly ambitious and powerful spellcasters, Polymorph 5e opens the door to transforming into legendary creatures. These include the mighty and awe-inspiring ancient dragons, the enigmatic and mysterious sphinxes, and the majestic and noble griffins. By assuming the form of these legendary beings, players can access an unparalleled array of abilities, granting them the potential to shape the very course of their adventures.

The versatility of Polymorph 5e is truly astounding, and the list of potential creature forms is far too extensive to cover in its entirety. However, by familiarizing yourself with the diverse array of options available, you can strategically choose the most appropriate form to overcome challenges, gain tactical advantages, and unlock new avenues of exploration in your Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventures.

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Tips and strategies for using Polymorph 5e effectively

As with any powerful spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, effectively utilizing Polymorph 5e requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. Whether you're a seasoned spellcaster or a newcomer to the magical arts, mastering the nuances of this transformative spell can significantly enhance your gameplay and provide a distinct advantage in the face of various challenges.

One of the key tips for using Polymorph 5e effectively is to carefully consider the situation at hand and choose the most appropriate creature form for the task. Different creature forms offer unique strengths, weaknesses, and abilities, and selecting the right one can make all the difference in the outcome of a given scenario. For example, transforming into a mighty dragon may be the ideal choice for a frontal assault, while turning into a nimble spider could be the perfect solution for navigating a treacherous environment.

Another important strategy is to understand the limitations and drawbacks of Polymorph 5e. While the spell grants the target a wealth of new abilities, it also imposes certain restrictions, such as the inability to cast spells or use class features that require hands or speech. Recognizing these limitations and planning accordingly can help players avoid unexpected pitfalls and maximize the effectiveness of their transformations.

Timing is also a critical factor when using Polymorph 5e. The spell's duration of up to 1 hour means that players must carefully consider when to cast it, ensuring that the transformation aligns with the specific challenges or objectives they face. Coordinating the use of Polymorph 5e with the actions and strategies of your party can further enhance its impact and lead to greater success in your adventures.

pixel green frog dnd polymorph 5e

Polymorph 5e in combat - how to maximize its potential

In the heat of battle, the strategic deployment of Polymorph 5e can be a game-changer for players in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. This transformative spell offers a wealth of possibilities for gaining a tactical advantage, neutralizing threats, and turning the tide of a conflict in your favor.

One of the most effective ways to utilize Polymorph 5e in combat is to transform a powerful enemy into a less formidable creature. By successfully casting the spell and causing the target to fail their Wisdom saving throw, you can effectively remove a significant threat from the battlefield. This not only reduces the immediate danger but also opens up new opportunities for your allies to strike or for the party to regroup and strategize.

Alternatively, you can use Polymorph 5e to transform a party member into a powerful creature, granting them a temporary boost in combat capabilities. This can be particularly useful when facing a challenging foe or a group of enemies that require a coordinated and overwhelming response. By transforming a fighter into a mighty dragon or a rogue into a nimble spider, you can unlock new avenues of attack, defense, and maneuverability that can turn the tide of the battle.

Another strategic application of Polymorph 5e in combat is to use it as a means of distraction or displacement. By transforming yourself or an ally into a creature that can easily maneuver or escape the battlefield, you can draw the attention of your opponents away from the main objectives or create opportunities for your party to reposition and regroup. This tactic can be especially effective when combined with other spells or abilities that further disrupt or disorient your foes.

It's important to note that the versatility of Polymorph 5e in combat extends beyond direct confrontation. The spell can also be used to overcome environmental obstacles, navigate treacherous terrain, or even gather crucial intelligence by transforming into a small, inconspicuous creature. By thinking creatively and adapting to the specific challenges of each combat encounter, players can unlock the full potential of Polymorph 5e and leverage it as a powerful tool in their Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition arsenal.

5e Polymorph and role-playing - adding depth to your character

While the combat applications of Polymorph 5e are undoubtedly impressive, this transformative spell also offers a wealth of opportunities for players to enhance their role-playing experiences in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. By embracing the versatility of Polymorph 5e, players can add depth, nuance, and unique perspectives to their character's journey, unlocking new avenues of exploration and interaction.

One of the most compelling aspects of using Polymorph 5e in role-playing is the ability to explore different aspects of your character's personality and identity. By transforming into a diverse array of creatures, you can gain unique insights, perspectives, and even emotional responses that can profoundly shape your character's development and interactions with the world around them. Imagine a wizard who, through the use of Polymorph 5e, discovers a newfound appreciation for the primal instincts and connection to nature that a beast form provides, or a rogue who, by transforming into a majestic eagle, gains a newfound sense of freedom and wanderlust.

Beyond personal growth and exploration, Polymorph 5e can also be used to facilitate meaningful interactions and storytelling within the game world. By transforming into a creature that is well-suited for a particular situation, players can engage in unique social encounters, uncover hidden information, or even forge unexpected alliances. A druid who transforms into a friendly woodland creature to gain the trust of a group of fey, or a bard who shapeshifts into a small rodent to sneak into a guarded castle, are just a few examples of how Polymorph 5e can be leveraged to create compelling and memorable role-playing moments.

Moreover, the use of Polymorph 5e can also add a layer of complexity and drama to your character's relationships and motivations. As players navigate the consequences and implications of their transformations, they may find themselves grappling with moral dilemmas, internal conflicts, or even unexpected discoveries about themselves or their allies. These narrative threads can be woven into the broader tapestry of your Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition campaign, creating a rich and engaging experience that extends beyond the purely mechanical aspects of the game.

mommoth 5e in battle polymorph

FAQ Polymorph 5e

What is Polymorph 5e?

What are the casting requirements for Polymorph 5e?

Can I target unwilling creatures with Polymorph 5e?

What forms can I transform a creature into?

Does the target retain its original hit points after being Polymorphed?

Can Polymorph 5e be used to heal a creature?

What happens to a creature's equipment when it is Polymorphed?

Can a Polymorphed creature cast spells or use class features?

Can I end 5e Polymorph early?

Is True Polymorph different from Polymorph?