Disguise Self 5e

Disguise Self 5e - Mastering the Art of Deception in D&D

Written by: Lee Smart



Time to read 19 min

Welcome, fellow Dungeon and Dragons enthusiasts, to another exciting installment of our D&D blog! Today, we're going to dive into one of the most versatile and intriguing spells in the game: Disguise Self 5e. This spell allows you to become anyone or anything you desire temporarily, and it's an invaluable tool for both players and Dungeon Masters (DMs). So, grab your spellbook or your trusty DM screen, and let's unravel the secrets of Disguise Self 5e together.

So, grab your spellbook, gather your dnd dice, and let's embark on a celestial journey through DnD Mirror Image in the world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition!

What Does Disguise Self 5e Do in D&D?

Disguise Self 5e is a spell found in the Player's Handbook (PHB) and is a staple in the illusion magic category. It's a 1st-level spell, which means that even low-level spellcasters can access its power. When you cast Disguise Self, you can change your appearance, including your clothing, voice, and even your scent, to appear as a different creature of the same size and within certain physical limitations. This spell lasts for a duration of 1 hour and doesn't require concentration, making it quite flexible in a variety of situations.

Now, let's get down to what this spell "does" in an adventure. Disguise Self 5e can be a game-changer for both players and DMs. For players, it offers endless possibilities for infiltration, deception, and role-playing. Need to infiltrate an enemy camp? Disguise Self can make you look like one of the guards. Trying to gain the trust of a shady NPC? Change into someone they're more likely to trust. The possibilities are limited only by your creativity.

On the DM's side of the screen, Disguise Self can be a tool to challenge your players' detective skills and role-playing abilities. You can use it to create suspenseful moments when players can't trust their own eyes, or to introduce NPCs with hidden agendas. It adds depth and intrigue to your storytelling, keeping your players on their toes.

The Core Rules: 5e Disguise Self in D&D 

In the Player's Handbook (PHB) for Dungeons and Dragons 5e, Disguise Self is described as follows:

"You make yourself—including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person—look different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs."

This description provides the mechanical details of the spell, but the true power of Disguise Self 5e lies in how you choose to use it in your game.

5e disguise self dnd

Disguise Self 5e

1st-level illusion

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: S, M (a bit of fleece)

Duration: 1 hour

Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard


The Disguise Self 5e spell is a versatile and potent tool within the arsenal of illusion magic. By expending just one action, the caster can conceal their true appearance and alter their attire, voice, and scent. The spell allows the caster to assume the visage of a different creature of the same size category, within the bounds of their physical form.

You can make yourself appear up to 1 foot shorter or taller and can adjust your apparent body shape, appearing thin, fat, or somewhere in between. However, it's important to note that you cannot change your fundamental body type, so you must maintain the basic arrangement of limbs consistent with your true form.

The components required for casting Disguise Self 5e are minimal - just a bit of fleece, which serves as the material component. This spell doesn't necessitate costly or exotic components, making it accessible for a wide range of spellcasters.

Once cast, Disguise Self remains effective for a duration of one hour, providing ample time for various applications such as infiltration, deception, or disguise-based role-play scenarios. Importantly, the spell does not demand concentration, leaving you free to focus on other magical or mundane activities without breaking the illusion.

The Disguise Self 5e spell is available to several spellcasting classes, including Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards. Its utility and adaptability make it a popular choice for those who seek to navigate the intricate web of intrigue and deception in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.


  • Versatility: Disguise Self 5e is incredibly versatile, allowing the caster to take on the appearance of different creatures, which can be handy for infiltration, espionage, and role-playing scenarios.

  • Duration: The spell has a long duration of 1 hour, providing ample time for accomplishing various tasks while maintaining the disguise without the need for concentration.

  • No Concentration Required: Since Disguise Self 5e doesn't require concentration, you can use other spells or abilities alongside it, making it great for combining with other magical effects.

  • Minimal Components: The spell's material component is a bit of fleece, which is readily available and doesn't require expensive or rare components.

  • Low Spell Slot Requirement: Disguise Self 5e is a 1st-level spell, accessible to many spellcasting classes at an early stage, making it available to both low and high-level characters.


  • Limited Alterations: While versatile, Disguise Self 5e has limitations, as you cannot change your fundamental body type or size. This may restrict the usefulness of the spell in some situations.

  • Physical Interaction: The illusion created by Disguise Self 5e doesn't hold up to physical interaction or close scrutiny. If someone tries to touch or closely inspect you, they may discern the illusion.

  • Dependent on Imagination: The effectiveness of the spell heavily relies on the caster's imagination and acting abilities. Role-playing the disguise convincingly is essential, and the success may vary depending on the player's creativity.

  • Duration Limitations: The 1-hour duration might not be sufficient for some longer missions or scenarios, and recasting the spell could potentially reveal your intentions.

  • No Benefit in Combat: Disguise Self 5e is primarily a utility spell and doesn't offer any combat advantages. It won't improve your combat abilities or protect you from harm directly.

Damage Chart and Compatible Classes


These four spellcasting classes have access to the Disguise Self spell in D&D 5e. Players who choose any of these classes can include Disguise Self in their spell list and prepare or learn the spell according to their class's spellcasting rules.

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Breakdown of how each class can access Disguise Self 5e

Disguise Self 5e is accessible to specific classes in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, mainly through their spellcasting features. Here's a breakdown of how each class that can use Disguise Self accesses the spell:


Spellcasting Class: Bards are full spellcasters and can choose spells from the Bard spell list.

Spellcasting Ability: Bards use Charisma as their spellcasting ability, which determines their spell save DC and spell attack bonus.

Access to Disguise Self 5e: Bards can access Disguise Self by selecting it when they learn or prepare spells. They gain new spells as they level up, and they can also learn spells from other sources, such as scrolls or spellbooks.


Spellcasting Class: Sorcerers are full spellcasters and cast spells using their innate magical ability.

Spellcasting Ability: Sorcerers use Charisma as their spellcasting ability.

Access to Disguise Self: Sorcerers can include Disguise Self 5e in their spells known. They learn a limited number of spells as they level up and can exchange one of their known spells for Disguise Self when they gain a new level.


Spellcasting Class: Warlocks are pact-based spellcasters who derive their magic from a pact with a powerful being.

Spellcasting Ability: Warlocks use Charisma as their spellcasting ability.

Access to Disguise Self 5e: Warlocks gain access to spells through their Otherworldly Patron and Pact Boon. If their patron grants them Disguise Self as an option, they can choose it when they learn new spells or when they gain Mystic Arcanum.


Spellcasting Class: Wizards are scholars and practitioners of arcane magic who learn spells from spellbooks.

Spellcasting Ability: Wizards use Intelligence as their spellcasting ability.

Access to Disguise Self 5e: Wizards can add spells to their spellbook as they find or purchase them. If they come across a spell scroll or another wizard's spellbook containing Disguise Self, they can copy it into their own spellbook during a short rest. Once it's in their spellbook, they can prepare and cast it like any other wizard spell.

In summary, each of these classes accesses the Disguise Self 5e spell by selecting it as one of their known or prepared spells, depending on their class's spellcasting mechanics. The spellcasting ability for all of them is based on Charisma, and they gain access to the spell as they level up or through special features tied to their class.

5e disguise self


Consider how you'll escape from the situation or location if your true identity is discovered, or if the illusion begins to falter. Having an escape plan in mind ensures that you can quickly and safely extricate yourself from a potentially dangerous scenario, allowing you to regroup and reassess your approach if necessary.

The Strategy Behind Disguise Self 5e

  1. Set Clear Objectives:

    • Before casting Disguise Self, clearly define your objectives. Determine what you want to achieve with the disguise, whether it's infiltration, deception, or gathering information.
  2. Choose Your Disguise Wisely:

    • Consider the context of your disguise. Think about who or what you're trying to impersonate and how your chosen appearance fits into the environment. A convincing disguise aligns with the setting.
  3. Blend In:

    • Pay attention to details when creating your disguise. Alter your clothing, voice, and scent to match the character you're impersonating. Mimic their behaviors and body language for a more convincing act.
  4. Plan Your Interactions:

    • Think ahead about the interactions you'll have while disguised. Anticipate questions, reactions, and potential challenges. Prepare convincing answers to common inquiries.
  5. Use Distractions:

    • If you're working with a team, coordinate distractions to divert attention away from you. This can help cover any flaws in your disguise or avoid scrutiny.
  6. Employ Diversionary Tactics:

    • Create diversions or disturbances to shift attention away from you if your disguise is about to be uncovered. This can buy you time to retreat or maintain the illusion.
  7. Stay Low Profile:

    • Avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. While disguised, don't engage in reckless or conspicuous actions that might raise suspicion.
  8. Maintain Concentration:

    • Although Disguise Self doesn't require concentration to maintain, stay focused on your role and the limitations of your disguise. Don't inadvertently reveal your true identity through your actions or words.
  9. Role-Playing:

    • Embrace role-playing while disguised. Speak and act as if you were the character you're pretending to be. Engage with NPCs in character to make the illusion more convincing.
  10. Escape Plan:

    • Always have an escape plan in case your disguise is compromised. Prepare spells, abilities, or items that can help you make a quick exit if needed.
  11. Collaborate with Your DM:

    • Work closely with your Dungeon Master to ensure that your disguise attempts align with the narrative and the rules. Discuss your plans and intentions beforehand.
  12. Use the Illusion's Duration Wisely:

    • Keep track of the duration of Disguise Self. Plan your actions and objectives within the 1-hour timeframe to maximize its effectiveness.
  13. Learn from Experience:

    • Pay attention to how NPCs react to your disguises. Learn from both successful and failed attempts, and adapt your strategies accordingly in future situations.

Remember that the success of your Disguise Self spell often depends on your creativity, your ability to stay in character, and the circumstances of the situation. It's a versatile tool, so think outside the box and use it to enhance your storytelling and role-playing experiences in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

dnd disguise self

Disguise Self 5e - Agent 47!

A DM's Guide to Managing Disguise Self DnD 5e

As a Dungeon Master (DM), incorporating the Disguise Self 5e spell into your Dungeons and Dragons campaign can add depth, intrigue, and challenge to your storytelling. Here's a guide on how to effectively use the Disguise Self 5e spell as a DM:

  1. Encourage Creativity:

    • Encourage your players to think creatively when using Disguise Self 5e. Allow them to describe their chosen appearances in detail and provide bonuses or advantages for well-thought-out disguises.
  2. Role-Play Reactions:

    • Role-play the reactions of NPCs when a player uses Disguise Self. Make it clear that the success of the disguise depends on how convincingly the player acts and interacts with the world.
  3. Varying Levels of Success:

    • Consider that not all NPCs will react the same way to a disguise. Some may be more perceptive than others. Use passive Perception checks for NPCs to determine whether they see through the disguise.
  4. Create Realistic Challenges:

    • Design scenarios that require more than just casting the spell. For example, a guard may ask specific questions about the disguised character's background, requiring the player to think on their feet and provide convincing answers.
  5. NPC Backstories:

    • Develop backstories and motivations for key NPCs that the players may impersonate. Understanding the NPC's personality, history, and behavior will help you role-play their reactions more authentically.
  6. Revealing Disguises:

    • Allow opportunities for NPCs to potentially reveal the disguises. This could be through physical interaction, magical detection, or suspicious behavior on the player's part.
  7. Skill Checks:

    • Use skill checks such as Deception or Persuasion to determine how convincing the player's disguise is when interacting with NPCs. Reward successful rolls with smoother interactions and less suspicion.
  8. Consequences for Failure:

    • Consider the consequences of a failed disguise. This might lead to heightened NPC suspicion, alter the course of the story, or result in combat encounters if the ruse is discovered.
  9. Plot Twists:

    • Introduce plot twists and unexpected complications related to the use of Disguise Self 5e. For example, the disguised character might encounter someone who knows the person they're impersonating.
  10. Reward Creativity:

    • Reward players for creative and well-executed disguises with experience points, inspiration, or advantages in future interactions. Positive feedback encourages them to continue using the spell creatively.
  11. Maintain Player Agency:

    • While NPCs may be perceptive, don't make it impossible for players to use Disguise Self effectively. Allow for the possibility of success and failure based on the player's actions and dice rolls.
  12. Story Integration:

    • Incorporate Disguise Self 5e into the overarching narrative. It can be a tool for unraveling mysteries, gaining allies, or accessing hidden information crucial to the campaign's plot.
  13. Provide Clues:

    • Drop subtle hints and clues for players to find when using Disguise Self 5e. These hints can help guide them toward successful interactions and plot advancement.
  14. Adapt to Player Choices:

    • Be prepared for players to use Disguise Self 5e in unexpected ways. Flexibility is key as DM, and adapt to their choices to keep the story engaging.

Ultimately, using the Disguise Self 5e spell as a DM offers opportunities for player agency, creative problem-solving, and memorable role-playing moments. Embrace the versatility of the spell to enhance your campaign and create a dynamic and immersive world for your players.

Spells that that share similarities with Disguise Self 5e

In Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, there are several spells similar to Disguise Self that provide illusions, transformations, or deception capabilities. Here are some spells that share similarities:

  1. Alter Self (2nd Level, Transmutation):

    • Similar to Disguise Self 5e, Alter Self allows the caster to change their appearance, including form, features, and even aquatic adaptations. It offers more versatility but requires a higher spell slot.
  2. Seeming (5th Level, Illusion):

    • Seeming affects multiple creatures, altering their appearance to match a chosen image. It's a potent choice for disguising a group or altering the appearance of a party. It has a longer duration than Disguise Self 5e.
  3. Disguise (1st Level, Illusion):

    • This spell is a simpler version of Disguise Self 5e and allows the caster to change their appearance slightly. It's often used for minor alterations rather than full disguises.
  4. Nystul's Magic Aura (2nd Level, Illusion):

    • While not a direct disguise spell, it can be used to mask the magical aura of an object or creature, making it appear as something else. It's helpful for hiding the true nature of an item or creature.
  5. Mislead (5th Level, Illusion):

    • Mislead allows the caster to create an illusory duplicate of themselves, effectively becoming invisible and sending the duplicate elsewhere. It's useful for espionage and distractions but not for impersonation.
  6. Polymorph (4th Level, Transmutation):

    • Polymorph is a more drastic transformation spell that turns the target into a different creature, altering their abilities and physical form. While not for disguises, it can be used for infiltration.
  7. True Polymorph (9th Level, Transmutation):

    • True Polymorph is an advanced version of Polymorph that can permanently change a creature into another form. It's powerful but requires a very high-level spell slot.
  8. Project Image (7th Level, Illusion):

    • Project Image allows the caster to create an illusory duplicate of themselves, which can move and speak. It's excellent for reconnaissance and interaction without physical presence.
  9. Mimicry (Various Abilities):

    • Some class features and racial abilities, such as the Mimicry trait of Kenku or the Changeling's Shapechanger trait, allow characters to mimic voices or appearances to varying degrees.

Each of these spells and abilities offers unique advantages and limitations, making them suitable for different situations. Players and DMs can choose the one that best fits the specific needs of their campaign or character concept.

Blink 5e

Strategic Considerations: 

While the illusion created by Disguise Self 5e can change your appearance, voice, and scent, it's up to you, the player, to convincingly portray the character you're impersonating. Inconsistent behavior, strange actions, or suspicious responses can raise suspicion among NPCs and potentially blow your cover.

Therefore, it's crucial to think carefully about the character you're impersonating, their personality, habits, and mannerisms. Be prepared to answer questions and engage in conversations as if you were truly that character. Stay in character and avoid actions or statements that might contradict the illusion, ensuring that your disguise remains convincing throughout the scenario.

Illusions of Deception: The Shadow Cloak Infiltration- 5e Disguise Self

In the bustling city of Eldoria, our party of adventurers found themselves on a quest to uncover a nefarious plot involving a powerful crime syndicate known as the Shadow Cloaks. The party consisted of Raelin, the elven rogue, Voren, the wise wizard, Kaela, the valiant paladin, and Thorne, the resourceful bard.

They had received information that the Shadow Cloaks were planning to ambush an important meeting between the city's leaders. The only way to prevent this catastrophe was to infiltrate the syndicate's ranks and gather crucial information about their plans. And so, the party devised a daring plan that hinged on the use of the Disguise Self 5e spell.

As dusk fell over the city, the party donned their disguises, meticulously tailored by Raelin. Voren, the wizard, transformed into a high-ranking Shadow Cloak enforcer, while Kaela and Thorne took on the roles of silent bodyguards. Raelin, with her nimble fingers and charming demeanor, posed as a courtesan, alluring and confident.

Under the cover of night, they made their way to the rendezvous point where the syndicate members were expected to gather. They approached the dimly lit alley where the meeting was to take place. Shadows concealed their faces, and cloaks masked their weapons, but it was the Disguise Self 5e spell that made their deception truly convincing.

As they entered the alley, tension hung in the air like a thick fog. Their hearts raced as they faced the suspicious eyes of the Shadow Cloaks. The leader of the syndicate, a formidable figure known as Blackthorn, scrutinized Voren with piercing eyes.

But the Disguise Self 5e spell held strong. Voren maintained his stoic demeanor, speaking in hushed tones about the upcoming operation. Kaela and Thorne remained vigilant, positioning themselves strategically to protect their supposed leader.

Meanwhile, Raelin caught the attention of Blackthorn's lieutenant, a cunning rogue named Sable. Her seductive charm and tantalizing whispers drew Sable away from the group, diverting suspicion from her companions.

With each passing moment, the tension eased as the party successfully played their roles. They gathered vital information about the Shadow Cloaks' plans, their allies, and their vulnerabilities. The Disguise Self 5e spell was the linchpin of their deception, allowing them to infiltrate the heart of the enemy's operation.

As the meeting concluded and the Shadow Cloaks dispersed, the party regrouped, victorious in their mission. They had averted disaster and gathered invaluable intelligence to confront the syndicate head-on.

The 5e Disguise Self spell had been their savior, enabling them to walk among their enemies undetected, their true identities concealed behind clever illusions. With this newfound knowledge, they set forth on the path to dismantle the Shadow Cloaks and restore peace to Eldoria, their clever use of magic a testament to their resourcefulness and determination.


In conclusion, the Disguise Self spell in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is a powerful tool for both players and Dungeon Masters. Its versatility allows for a wide range of creative applications, from espionage and infiltration to role-playing and storytelling. Players can use it to outwit foes, gain trust, and navigate complex scenarios, while Dungeon Masters can use it to challenge their players, create suspenseful moments, and add depth to their campaigns.

Understanding the core rules of the spell, including its casting time, range, components, and duration, is essential for both players and DMs. Additionally, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the spell can help players make informed decisions and DMs design compelling challenges.

For players, the key to success with 5e Disguise Self lies in careful planning, convincing role-play, and adaptability. It's a spell that rewards creativity and clever thinking.

For DMs, integrating 5e Disguise Self into the narrative allows for dynamic storytelling and engaging interactions. Encourage your players to use the spell creatively, and use it as a tool to introduce plot twists, challenges, and memorable moments in your campaign.

In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, 5e Disguise Self is not just a spell; it's a gateway to endless possibilities, where the art of deception and imaginative storytelling come together to create unforgettable adventures. So, whether you're a player or a DM, embrace the magic of 5e Disguise Self, and let your imagination run wild in the realm of fantasy and adventure.


The Author: Quinny

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is disguise self a concentration spell 5e?

No, Disguise Self in D&D 5e is not a concentration spell. It has a duration of 1 hour, and once cast, it doesn't require concentration, allowing the caster to focus on other spells or activities without breaking the illusion.

Does disguise self affect clothes 5e?

Yes, Disguise Self in D&D 5e can change your appearance, including your clothes, to create a convincing illusion.

Does disguise self change skin tone 5e?

In Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, the Disguise Self spell allows you to alter your appearance, including your skin tone, within certain bounds. While the spell doesn't provide explicit details about changing skin tone, it does offer flexibility to create a convincing illusion. Players often interpret it as permitting reasonable alterations to skin tone, such as darkening or lightening it. However, the extent to which you can change your skin tone may depend on the Dungeon Master's discretion and the context of the situation. Discuss with your DM to determine the degree of skin tone alteration that's acceptable in your campaign.

Can you disguise self as an enemy create d&d 5e

In Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, the Disguise Self spell allows a character to change their appearance, including clothing and voice, to resemble a different creature of the same size. However, the spell doesn't grant the ability to precisely mimic a specific individual, especially if that individual is considered an "enemy." The extent of the disguise largely depends on the DM's discretion and the information available to the character. While you can impersonate a generic member of an enemy group, mimicking a specific enemy might require additional information, research, or higher-level spells like Seeming for a more accurate impersonation.

How does Disguise Self 5e work in D&D?

5e Disguise Self is a 1st-level illusion spell that allows the caster to change their appearance, including clothing, voice, and scent, to resemble a different creature of the same size within certain physical limitations. The spell lasts for 1 hour and doesn't require concentration.

Can Disguise Self change my character's size or body type?

No, Disguise Self can alter your appearance within certain limits, but you cannot change your fundamental body type or size. You must adopt a form with the same basic arrangement of limbs.

What's the main difference between Disguise Self 5e and Alter Self spells?

Disguise Self is focused on changing appearance, while Alter Self can also alter abilities, such as aquatic adaptations or natural weapons. Alter Self is a 2nd-level spell and offers more versatility.

Does Disguise Self work against magical detection or True Sight?

Disguise Self 5e creates an illusion, and while it can deceive normal perception, it can be detected by magical means like True Sight or abilities that see through illusions.

Can Disguise Self be used for combat or as a disguise in social situations?

Disguise Self is primarily a utility spell and doesn't offer combat advantages. It's more suited for deception, infiltration, and role-playing scenarios.

Can I use Disguise Self to impersonate a specific person or creature?

Disguise Self can create a generic appearance, but it doesn't provide the ability to mimic a specific individual's exact features or memories.