Mirror Image 5e

Mirror Image 5e: The Illusionist's Veil

Written by: Lee Smart



Time to read 16 min

Welcome, fellow adventurers and dungeon masters, to another deep dive into the magical realms of Dungeons & Dragons 5e! Today, we're turning the spotlight on a spell that's as tricky as it is fascinating: Mirror Image. This illusion spell has been a topic of many a table talk, known for its ability to turn the tides in a battle with nothing but a few duplicates of oneself. But is it just a flashy trick, or is there more to it? Let’s find out!

So, grab your spellbook, gather your dnd dice, and let's embark on a celestial journey through DnD  Mirror Image in the world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition!

What Does Mirror Image 5e Do in D&D?

In the core books of D&D 5e, Mirror Image is described as a spell that creates three illusory duplicates of yourself. These duplicates move with you and mimic your actions, confusing your enemy as to which one is the real you. Unlike some spells that directly confront an attacker, like the defensive Blade Ward, Mirror Image operates on deception, making your enemies think twice before they strike.

Let’s paint a picture: you're a wizard cornered by a group of orcs. Casting Mirror Image, suddenly, there are four of you! The orcs hesitate, unsure who to attack. This is where Mirror Image shines. It's not just about avoiding a hit; it's about creating uncertainty and fear. As one D&D enthusiast on a popular podcast said, "Mirror Image is the art of turning a clear fight into a hall of mirrors.”

The Core Rules: Mirror Image 5e in D&D 5e

When a creature targets the caster with an attack while the spell is active, the player rolls a d20 to determine whether the attack hits one of the duplicates instead. The probability of hitting a duplicate depends on how many are remaining: with three duplicates, you need to roll a 6 or higher; with two, an 8 or higher; and with one, an 11 or higher. The Armor Class (AC) of each duplicate is 10 plus the caster's Dexterity modifier. If an attack successfully hits a duplicate, that duplicate is destroyed. However, duplicates are immune to all other damage and effects.

Mirror Image 5e

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S (Verbal and Somatic)
  • Duration: 1 minute
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
5e Mirror Image


The mechanics of Mirror Image 5e are elegantly simple yet strategically complex. Upon casting, the spell creates three illusory duplicates of the caster. These duplicates move with the caster and mimic their actions, creating a bewildering spectacle for enemies. The true beauty of this spell lies in its passive defense mechanism. When an attack targets the caster, there's a chance it hits one of the illusions instead. The probabilities are determined by rolling a d20, and the chance of hitting an illusion decreases as each is destroyed.

Unlike spells such as Blade Ward, which provides a more direct form of defense by granting resistance to certain types of physical damage, Mirror Image operates on misdirection. It doesn’t reduce damage but instead creates a game of chance where attackers must guess the correct target. This makes it an excellent choice for situations where evasion is preferable to confrontation.


  • No Concentration Required: One of the biggest advantages of "Mirror Image 5e" is that it doesn't require concentration. This allows the caster to maintain other concentration spells while still benefiting from its defensive capabilities.

  • Immediate Increase in Survivability: Upon casting, the spell instantly creates three duplicates, significantly lowering the chance of the caster being hit by physical attacks.

  • Effective Against Multiple Attackers: The spell is particularly useful when facing several attackers, as it confuses multiple enemies at once, potentially reducing the number of successful hits.

  • Works Against a Range of Attacks: "dnd Mirror Image" is effective against both melee and ranged physical attacks, providing a broad defensive cover.

  • Psychological Advantage: The confusion it creates can have a psychological impact on enemies, potentially causing them to hesitate or make poor tactical decisions.


  • Ineffective Against Area of Effect (AoE) Spells: "Mirror Image 5e" does not provide protection against AoE spells or effects, as these target an area rather than an individual.

  • Does Not Protect Against Spells Requiring Saving Throws: Spells that require a saving throw, like "Fireball," bypass the duplicates entirely, targeting the caster directly.

  • Limited Duration and Fragility of Duplicates: The duplicates last for only one minute or until they are destroyed. Each hit on a duplicate reduces the spell's effectiveness.

  • Ineffective Against Non-Visual Detection: Enemies that rely on senses other than sight, such as those with blindsight or truesight, are not fooled by the spell.

  • No Protection Against Non-Attack Spells: Certain spells that cause damage without an attack roll, like "Magic Missile," cannot be evaded using "5e Mirror Image."

Damage Chart and Compatible Classes

Class Spell Effect
Sorcerer Creates three illusory duplicates to confuse attackers
Warlock Creates three illusory duplicates to confuse attackers
Wizard Creates three illusory duplicates to confuse attackers

5e Mirror Image is a defensive spell that doesn't directly deal damage, but rather provides defense by creating illusory duplicates of the caster. The effectiveness of the spell can be quantified by the chance it provides to avoid being hit by attacks. I'll create a chart showing the defense advantage in terms of the probability of attacks hitting the duplicates instead of the caster, based on the number of duplicates remaining.

Here is a chart showing the defensive effectiveness of the dnd Mirror Image spell in D&D 5e, based on the number of duplicates remaining:

Number of Duplicates Chance to Hit Duplicate
3 Duplicates Roll 6 or higher (55%)
2 Duplicates Roll 8 or higher (40%)
1 Duplicate Roll 11 or higher (30%)

This chart represents the probability that an attack will target one of the illusory duplicates instead of the caster, providing a clear picture of how the spell's defensive capability decreases as duplicates are destroyed.

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Breakdown of how each class can access Mirror Image 5e

Mirror Image 5e is accessible to specific classes in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, mainly through their spellcasting features. Here's a breakdown of how each class that can use "Mirror Image 5e" accesses the spell:

  1. Sorcerer:

    • Spellcasting Feature: Sorcerers have a natural ability to cast spells, deriving from their innate magical nature.
    • Spell Selection: Sorcerers choose their spells from the sorcerer spell list. They can select "Mirror Image" as one of their spells when they reach the appropriate level to cast 2nd-level spells.
    • Flexible Casting: Sorcerers can also use their Sorcery Points to gain additional spell slots, potentially allowing them more opportunities to cast "Mirror Image 5e."
  2. Warlock:

    • Pact Magic Feature: Warlocks gain their spellcasting ability through a pact with an otherworldly patron.
    • Spell Selection: Warlocks can choose "Mirror Image 5e" from the warlock spell list once they have access to 2nd-level spell slots.
    • Eldritch Invocations: While not directly related to "Mirror Image," some Eldritch Invocations can complement the use of this spell by enhancing the warlock's defensive or deceptive abilities.
  3. Wizard:

    • Spellcasting Feature: Wizards learn their spells through rigorous study and practice, recording their spells in a spellbook.
    • Spell Selection: Wizards can add "Mirror Image 5e" to their spellbook when they gain access to 2nd-level spells. They can also copy the spell into their spellbook if they find it in another wizard's spellbook or a scroll.
    • Arcane Recovery: This feature allows wizards to recover spell slots during a short rest, potentially providing them with additional opportunities to cast "Mirror Image" in a day.

Each class accesses 5e Mirror Image through their unique spellcasting methods, reflecting their different sources of magical power and study. Sorcerers and Warlocks gain spells through innate ability or pacts, respectively, while Wizards rely on study and their spellbooks.

5e tools mirror

Top Tip:

If available, use Mirror Image 5e in conjunction with other defensive spells or abilities that don't require concentration. Spells like "Shield" or "Blur" can be used alongside "Mirror Image" for added protection, especially against enemies that have abilities to see through illusions or bypass them.

The Strategy Behind Mirror Image 5e

Mirror Image 5e is a highly strategic spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, providing significant defensive advantages when used wisely. Here's a comprehensive strategy for effectively utilizing this spell in various combat scenarios:

  1. Early Deployment:

    • Preemptive Casting: Cast "Mirror Image 5e" at the beginning of combat, especially if you anticipate being targeted. This maximizes the spell's duration and effectiveness, providing an immediate defensive layer.
  2. Complementary Spells and Abilities:

    • Combine with Non-Concentration Spells: Use "Mirror Image 5e" alongside other defensive spells that don’t require concentration, like "Shield 5e" or "Blur," to create multiple layers of defense.
    • Enhance with Class Features: Utilize class features that complement evasion or defense. For instance, a Rogue's Uncanny Dodge can work well with "Mirror Image 5e" to avoid damage.
  3. Tactical Movement:

    • Maintain Distance: Keep a safe distance from enemies that can bypass illusions (like those with blindsight). "Mirror Image" is less effective against such adversaries.
    • Use Terrain: Utilize the terrain to your advantage, forcing enemies to engage you in locations where "Mirror Image 5e" is most effective (e.g., narrow corridors, limited sightlines).
  4. Deceptive Maneuvering:

    • Feign Vulnerability: Pretend to be more vulnerable than you are to lure enemies into wasting their attacks on your duplicates.
    • Misdirect Opponents: Use the chaos created by your duplicates to misdirect enemies or to cover the movements and actions of your allies.
  5. Optimize Action Economy:

    • Prepare Follow-Up Actions: After casting "Mirror Image," plan your subsequent turns to capitalize on the defense it provides. This might involve casting offensive spells, repositioning, or aiding allies.
  6. Adapt to Enemy Strategies:

    • Monitor Enemy Behavior: Pay attention to how enemies react to your duplicates. Some might switch tactics (like using AoE attacks) which could necessitate a change in your approach.
    • Counter Anti-Illusion Tactics: If facing foes with abilities to counter illusions, be ready to switch strategies, possibly disengaging or shifting to different spells or tactics.
  7. Party Synergy:

    • Coordinate with Allies: Ensure your team knows about your "Mirror Image" so they can adapt their strategies accordingly, perhaps using the confusion you create to their advantage.
    • Protect Casters and Ranged Allies: Position yourself to draw attention away from more vulnerable party members, leveraging the defensive capabilities of "Mirror Image."

By employing these strategies, "Mirror Image" can be a game-changer in combat, providing not just a defensive benefit for yourself, but also creating opportunities and advantages for your entire party.

dnd mirror image

Mirror Image DnD 5e - Better Hit The Right One

A DM's Guide to Managing Blade Ward in D&D 5e

As a Dungeon Master (DM) in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, guiding and adjudicating the use of spells like "Mirror Image" can add depth and excitement to your game sessions. Here's a DM's guide to effectively incorporating and managing this spell in your campaigns:

  1. Understanding the Spell:

    • Familiarize yourself with the mechanics of "Mirror Image 5e" and how it interacts with different types of attacks and senses (like blindsight or truesight).
    • Keep in mind that "Mirror Image" doesn't require concentration and only affects attacks that specifically target the caster.
  2. Narrative Description:

    • Enhance the gaming experience by vividly describing the visual effects of "Mirror Image 5e" when it's cast. This can add to the immersion and excitement of the encounter.
    • Use descriptive language to convey the confusion it creates among enemies and how it affects their behavior.
  3. Adjudicating Attacks:

    • When an enemy attacks the character with active "Mirror Image" duplicates, follow the spell's mechanics to determine whether the attack hits the caster or a duplicate.
    • Encourage players to roll the d20 to determine if their duplicates are hit, adding an element of suspense and player involvement.
  4. Enemy Tactics:

    • Smart or experienced enemies might recognize the nature of the spell and change their tactics accordingly, such as using AoE attacks or targeting other party members.
    • Vary enemy reactions based on their intelligence and experience with magic. Not all creatures should immediately recognize the nature of the spell.
  5. Balancing Encounters:

    • Consider the presence of "dnd Mirror Image" when designing encounters. It can significantly increase a character's survivability, so you might need to adjust the difficulty accordingly.
    • However, avoid negating the spell's effectiveness too frequently, as this can diminish the player's sense of achievement and strategic choice.
  6. Interactions with Other Spells and Abilities:

    • Be aware of how "Mirror Image 5e" interacts with other spells and abilities, both from the player's side and the enemies'. This includes spells that bypass illusions or other defensive spells the player might use in conjunction.
    • Handle these interactions consistently, based on the rules and the logic of your game world.
  7. Encouraging Strategic Play:

    • Use "5e Mirror Image" as a way to encourage strategic thinking among your players. This can be through presenting challenges that make them think about when and how to use the spell effectively.
    • Reward clever use of the spell in combat and narrative situations, reinforcing the idea that creative thinking is beneficial.
  8. Roleplaying Opportunities:

    • Incorporate roleplaying elements related to the use of "Mirror Image," such as NPCs reacting to the sudden appearance of multiple characters or the spell being used in non-combat situations for distraction or entertainment.

As a DM, your goal with "Mirror Image 5e" should be to maintain a balance where the spell is useful and exciting but doesn't overshadow other aspects of the game. Encourage creativity and strategic use of the spell, while keeping encounters challenging and engaging for all players.

Spells that that share similarities with Mirror Image 5e

Blade Ward 5eIn Dungeons & Dragons 5e, several spells share similarities with Mirror Image in terms of their defensive nature, illusionary effects, or their method of manipulating the perception of enemies. Here are some spells that are similar to "Mirror Image":

  1. Blur:

    • Like "Mirror Image," "Blur" makes it harder for enemies to land a hit. Instead of creating duplicates, it causes the caster to become blurred, and attacks against them have disadvantage.
  2. Disguise Self:

    • This spell doesn't provide a direct combat advantage like "Mirror Image," but it's similar in its illusionary nature. "Disguise Self" allows the caster to change their appearance, which can be used for evasion or deception.
  3. Invisibility:

    • "Invisibility" hides the caster from sight, similar to how "Mirror Image" creates confusion about the caster's location. While "Invisibility" offers more direct concealment, both are effective for evasion.
  4. Phantasmal Force:

    • This spell creates an illusion in a single creature's mind, potentially incapacitating them or distracting them, similar to how "Mirror Image" confuses attackers.
  5. Major Image:

    • This spell creates a larger and more versatile illusion than "Mirror Image." While it doesn't directly protect the caster, it can be used to distract, mislead, or intimidate enemies.
  6. Hallucinatory Terrain:

    • Though not a personal defense spell, it's similar in its use of illusion to manipulate the environment and perceptions of others, much like "Mirror Image" manipulates the perception of the caster’s location.
  7. Blink:

    • "Blink" offers a defensive mechanism by phasing the caster in and out of the Ethereal Plane, making them temporarily untouchable and unpredictable, akin to the confusion created by "Mirror Image."
  8. Mislead:

    • This spell combines elements of "Invisibility" and "Mirror Image." The caster becomes invisible and creates an illusory double, which can be used to mislead and distract enemies.

Each of these spells shares some conceptual or tactical similarities with "Mirror Image," whether it's through creating illusions, enhancing defense, or manipulating enemy perception, a note that Blade Ward 5e is also great for your toolkit.  They offer various creative options for players who enjoy using magic for deception, evasion, and strategic advantages in different scenarios.

Note: Hipsters and Dragons have a few mixed up versions of Blade Ward. 

Strategic Considerations: Position yourself in a way that forces enemies to guess which image is real. This can be particularly effective when you have cover or obstacles to hide behind. If enemies waste their attacks on illusions, they are less likely to hit you, effectively increasing your survivability. You can also use this to your advantage when trying to maintain concentration on other spells or abilities, as attacks against you have a chance to target an illusion instead.

The Illusory Gambit: How Mirror Image Shattered Undead Defenders - 5e Mirror Image

In the bustling city of Eldoria, a group of adventurers had been hired to retrieve an ancient relic known as the "Eye of Eldoria." This mystical gem was rumored to hold immense power, but it was protected by formidable guardians deep within the catacombs beneath the city. Our heroes, consisting of a rogue named Kaelin, a wizard named Elara, a brave paladin named Sir Cedric, and a cunning bard named Lirelle, found themselves facing a dire situation as they descended into the treacherous catacombs.

As they ventured deeper, they encountered a group of undead guardians who seemed determined to keep intruders out. The battle was fierce, and the odds were against them. Elara, the wizard, knew that her Mirror Image spell might be their only hope. She swiftly incanted the arcane words and created illusory duplicates of herself, causing three identical copies to appear alongside her.

The undead were momentarily confused, unsure which of the four Elaras was the real one. In their confusion, the enemies began attacking the illusions. Swords slashed through the illusory images, and bolts of necrotic energy struck them down one by one. Elara had placed herself behind a massive stone pillar, effectively using it as cover while her illusions drew the enemy's attention.

Kaelin, Sir Cedric, and Lirelle capitalized on the chaos Elara had created. Kaelin took advantage of the distracted undead to sneak behind them, delivering critical strikes to their exposed backs. Sir Cedric, with his shield raised high, became the beacon of their defense, protecting his comrades from harm. Lirelle used her enchanting music and bardic spells to support her allies, keeping their spirits high and the undead disoriented.

Thanks to Elara's clever use of the Mirror Image spell, the adventurers turned the tide of battle in their favor. The undead guardians wasted their attacks on the illusions while our heroes took them down one by one. As the last of the undead crumbled into dust, Elara's real form was unscathed, and her illusions had successfully absorbed the brunt of the enemy's assault.

With the path cleared, the adventurers continued their journey deeper into the catacombs, closer to their goal of acquiring the Eye of Eldoria. Elara's strategic use of Mirror Image had not only saved their lives but had also given them the advantage they needed to press on. It was a shining example of how quick thinking and clever spellcasting could turn the tide of a dire situation in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.


In conclusion, "Mirror Image" stands out as a uniquely versatile and strategic spell in the Dungeons & Dragons 5e universe. Its ability to create illusory duplicates offers not just a defensive mechanism, but also a tool for tactical manipulation and psychological advantage in combat. This spell is particularly valuable for classes like Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards, who often find themselves in need of effective, non-concentration-based defensive options.

The effectiveness of "Mirror Image" lies in its ability to confuse and deceive opponents, making it harder for them to land a successful attack. However, its utility extends beyond mere evasion. The spell encourages creative thinking and strategic planning, allowing players to control the flow of battle, protect other party members, and create opportunities for counterattacks.

While "Mirror Image" has its limitations, such as being less effective against non-visual senses or area of effect attacks, its strengths make it a compelling choice for any spellcaster. As a Dungeon Master, incorporating this spell into your games can lead to dynamic and engaging combat scenarios, encouraging players to think creatively and tactically.


The Author: Quinny

Attention, weary travelers and valiant adventurers! Behold, our sacred emporium, where the pursuit of the ultimate D&D Dice reaches its zenith. As guardians of destiny, we cater to a diverse fellowship - human bards, elven rangers, dwarven fighters, half-orc thieves, halfling clerics, and even immortal vampires.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the "Mirror Image" spell do in D&D 5e?

Mirror Image creates illusory duplicates of the caster, making it harder for enemies to determine the caster's true location. It provides a defensive benefit by potentially causing attacks to hit the illusions instead.

How does the "Mirror Image" spell work mechanically?

When you cast "Mirror Image," it creates three illusory duplicates of yourself. When an attack targets you, there's a chance it will hit one of the duplicates instead. The spell description provides details on how to determine if an attack targets an illusion or the real you.

What happens when an attack targets an illusory duplicate?

When an attack targets an illusion, it destroys that specific illusion, leaving you with fewer duplicates. If all three illusions are destroyed, the spell ends.

Can I move and take actions while "Mirror Image" is active?

Yes, you can move and take actions normally while the spell is active. The illusions move with you, so they will also appear to move.

How long does "Mirror Image" last?

The spell has a duration of 1 minute, which is equivalent to 10 rounds of combat.

Can I cast other spells or concentrate on spells while "Mirror Image" is active?

Yes, you can cast other spells and concentrate on spells while "Mirror Image" is active, as long as those spells do not require concentration themselves.

Does "Mirror Image" work against area-effect spells and abilities?

Mirror Image primarily affects attacks that target you individually. It does not provide protection against area-effect spells or abilities that affect an area without targeting a specific creature.

Is Mirror Image 5e effective against all types of enemies?

Mirror Image is particularly effective against enemies that rely on single-target attacks, such as melee or ranged weapon attacks. It may be less effective against creatures that use area-effect spells or abilities.

Can I dismiss dnd Mirror Image before its duration expires?

Mirror Image does not have a specific mention of being dismissible in its spell description. Typically, you would need to wait for the spell's duration to expire.

Can multiple characters in a party cast "Mirror Image" to create more illusions?

No, multiple castings of "Mirror Image" by different characters do not stack. The spell creates three illusions regardless of how many party members cast it.