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Turn the Tide with Spirit Guardians 5e: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by: Mysterydicegoblin.com Staff



Time to read 11 min

Power the divine and protect your allies in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Look no further than the Spirit Guardians 5e spell. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the ins and outs of this powerful spell, giving you the knowledge and strategies you need to turn the tide of any battle. Spirit Guardians is a spell that allows you to summon spectral creatures to defend you and your comrades. With its versatile range and potent damage, this spell can quickly become a game-changer in combat encounters. From understanding the mechanics of the spell to optimizing your character's build, this guide has got you covered. Discover the best race and class combinations, learn how to maximize your spellcasting abilities, and explore creative ways to use Spirit Guardians in both offensive and defensive tactics. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide will help you make the most of this incredible spell. Get ready to step onto the battlefield with confidence and watch as your enemies quiver before the might of your Spirit Guardians.

How does Spirit Guardians 5e work?

Spirit Guardians is a spell that allows you to summon spectral creatures to defend you and your comrades. When you cast this spell, you designate a point within range where the spirits appear. These spirits then protect you and any friendly creatures within a 15-foot radius around that point. Any enemy creatures that enter or start their turn in the area must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 3d8 radiant damage, 3d8 is an eight sided dungeons and dragons dice.

The damage inflicted by Spirit Guardians increases with the spell's level. At higher levels, the damage increases to 4d8 at 6th level, 5d8 at 8th level, and so on. In addition to the damage, the affected creatures' speed is also halved while in the area of the spell. The spell's duration is 10 minutes, allowing you to maintain its effects throughout an entire encounter.

Spirit Guardians is a concentration spell, meaning that if you lose concentration or cast another concentration spell, the spell ends. However, with proper planning and positioning, Spirit Guardians can be a formidable asset in battles, dealing consistent damage and protecting your allies.

At its core, Spirit Guardians is a protective and offensive spell that surrounds you with spectral spirits. These guardians float around you within a 15-foot radius, ready to strike any enemies who dare enter their domain. They slow down your foes and deal radiant or necrotic damage, depending on your alignment. The spell lasts up to 10 minutes with concentration, making it a powerful tool for sustained encounters.

The Core Rules and Description of the Spell

Here's the official spell description from the Player's Handbook:

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (15-foot radius)
  • Components: V, S, M (a holy symbol)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
  • (When rolling physical dice you will need to roll 3d 8 and to get your final number, you can use an auto roller, dnd beyond or use physical dnd dice, or metal dice)

You call forth spirits to protect you. They flit around you at a distance of 15 feet for the duration. If you are good or neutral, their spectral form appears angelic or fey (your choice). If you are evil, they appear fiendish.

When you cast this spell, you can designate any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by it. An affected creature's speed is halved in the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 radiant (if you are good or neutral) or necrotic (if you are evil) damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.

Damage Chart

Level Damage (Failed Save) Damage (Successful Save)
5th 3d8 Half
6th 3d8 Half
7th 4d8 Half
8th 4d8 Half
9th 5d8 Half


  1. Area Control: Enemies within the radius are slowed, giving you control over the battlefield.
  2. Consistent Damage: Deals damage every round to enemies within the area.
  3. Customizable Protection: You can choose who is unaffected, ensuring allies can move freely.
  4. Long Duration: Lasts up to 10 minutes with concentration, ideal for prolonged encounters.
  5. Versatile Damage Type: Radiant or necrotic damage can exploit vulnerabilities based on enemy type.


  1. Concentration Required: The spell can be disrupted if you lose concentration.
  2. Limited Range: Only affects enemies within 15 feet, making positioning crucial.
  3. Wisdom Save: Enemies with high Wisdom might mitigate the damage.
  4. No Initial Damage: Enemies aren't affected until they start their turn or move into the area.
  5. Component Dependency: Requires a holy symbol, which might be targeted or lost.

Choosing a class for Spirit Guardians 5e

While Spirit Guardians 5e can be a potent spell for any class, some classes have unique abilities and features that synergize particularly well with it. When choosing a class for Spirit Guardians 5e, consider the following:

Spirit Guardians 5e is primarily available to Clerics, but certain subclasses of other classes can also access it:

  • Cleric
  • Paladin (Oath of the Crown)
  • Divine Soul Sorcerer

Breakdown of How Each Class Can Access

Cleric: Naturally gains access at 5th level.

As natural divine spellcasters, clerics have a deep connection to the divine forces. They have access to a wide range of spells and domains that complement Spirit Guardians. With their high Wisdom scores and ability to wear armor, clerics can be frontline combatants while maintaining concentration on Spirit Guardians.

Paladin (Oath of the Crown): Gains access at 9th level, adding a strategic layer to their tanking capabilities.

Paladins are known for their devotion to a cause and their oath spells. Spirit Guardians can be a valuable addition to a paladin's arsenal, allowing them to protect their allies while dealing damage to enemies. With their high Charisma scores and access to heavy armor, paladins can be formidable tanks on the battlefield.

Druid: Druids have a unique connection to nature and can tap into its powers. By combining Spirit Guardians with their wild shape ability, druids can transform into animals and become even more effective in combat. They can summon spectral animals to protect their allies, making them a versatile and powerful choice for Spirit Guardians 5e.

Building a character around Spirit Guardians

When building a character around Spirit Guardians 5e, it's important to consider a few key factors. First, choose a race that complements your chosen class. For example, if you're playing a cleric, a race with a Wisdom bonus, such as a dwarf or a wood elf, can enhance your spellcasting abilities.

Next, consider your character's stats and abilities. Wisdom is the most important ability score for Spirit Guardians, as it determines the spell's saving throw DC and attack bonus. Additionally, a high Constitution score can help you maintain concentration on the spell, while a decent Dexterity score can improve your armor class and overall survivability.

Furthermore, select the appropriate feats and spells to enhance your character's effectiveness in combat. Feats like War Caster can help you maintain concentration, while spells like Shield of Faith can provide additional protection to you and your allies. Combining these elements will create a character that maximizes the potential of Spirit Guardians 5e.

Spirit Guardians 5e being used if bad

Tips for optimizing yourSpirit Guardians 5e build

To optimize your Spirit Guardians build, consider the following tips:

1. Choose the right subclass: Depending on your class, selecting the right subclass can provide additional features and abilities that synergize well with Spirit Guardians. For example, a Life Domain cleric gains bonuses to healing spells, making them more effective at supporting their allies while damaging enemies with Spirit Guardians.

2. Invest in your spellcasting ability: Increasing your Wisdom score will not only improve the effectiveness of Spirit Guardians but also enhance other spells and abilities that rely on your spellcasting ability. Consider using ability score increases or feats to boost your Wisdom.

3. Utilize concentration-enhancing spells and items: Concentration is crucial for maintaining Spirit Guardians. Spells like Enhance Ability or items like the Cloak of Concentration can help you improve your concentration checks and ensure the spell's consistent effects throughout the battle.

4. Position yourself strategically: Spirit Guardians 5e has a limited range, so positioning yourself in the center of the battlefield can maximize its effectiveness. Communicate with your allies and coordinate your movements to ensure that the enemies are within the area of effect.

5. Prepare for different scenarios: While Spirit Guardians 5e can be a powerful offensive spell, there may be situations where a defensive approach is necessary. Consider having other spells or abilities at your disposal to adapt to different combat scenarios.

Combining Spirit Guardians with other spells and abilities

Spirit Guardians 5e can be further enhanced when combined with other spells and abilities. Here are a few examples of how you can create powerful combinations:

Bless: The Bless spell can improve your allies' attack rolls and saving throws, making them more effective in combat. By casting Bless before Spirit Guardians, you can provide additional support to your team while dealing damage to enemies.

Haste: Haste allows a target to gain an extra action on each of their turns. By casting Haste on yourself or an ally, you can maximize the number of actions taken while Spirit Guardians deal damage to enemies within range.

Channel Divinity: Some classes, such as clerics, have access to Channel Divinity abilities. These abilities can be used to enhance the effects of Spirit Guardians or provide additional support and utility during combat.

Summoning spells: Combine Spirit Guardians 5e with summoning spells like Conjure Animals or Conjure Celestial to create a powerful army of allies on the battlefield. The spirits from Spirit Guardians can protect both you and your summoned creatures, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Spirit Guardians 5e tactics and strategies in combat

In combat, Spirit Guardians 5e can be a game-changer if used strategically. Here are some tactics and strategies to consider:

1. Positioning: Place yourself in the center of the battlefield to maximize the area of effect of Spirit Guardians 5e. This will ensure that enemies are within range and take damage when they enter or start their turn in the area.

2. Communication: Coordinate with your allies to ensure they stay within the area of effect. Inform them of your intentions and the spell's range so they can position themselves accordingly.

3. Target selection: Prioritize enemies that are likely to fail the Wisdom saving throw or enemies that pose a significant threat to you or your allies. By targeting key enemies, you can quickly turn the tide of the battle.

4. Maintain concentration: Concentration is crucial for Spirit Guardians to remain active. Avoid taking damage that requires concentration saving throws or consider taking feats or spells that enhance your concentration checks.

5. Use defensive spells and abilities: While Spirit Guardians 5e can deal damage, don't neglect your defensive capabilities. Spells like Shield of Faith or abilities like the Dodge action can improve your survivability and ensure you can maintain concentration on the spell.

DMs Guide to Using the Spell

For Dungeon Masters, Spirit Guardians can be a game-changer. Here’s how to manage it in your games:

  1. Challenge Placement: Use enemies with high Wisdom saves to occasionally counter the spell's effectiveness.
  2. Environmental Hazards: Place obstacles that might force the cleric to move and risk losing concentration.
  3. Strategic Opponents: Use intelligent enemies that recognize the threat and target the cleric.
  4. Narrative Flare: Describe the spectral guardians in a way that fits your campaign's theme, enhancing immersion.
  5. Balanced Encounters: Ensure that the spell’s power is balanced with appropriately challenging encounters.

Homebrew variations and house rules for Spirit Guardians

While Spirit Guardians 5e is a powerful spell as written, some Dungeon Masters may allow homebrew variations or house rules to customize the spell. Here are a few examples:

Elemental Guardians 5e: Instead of radiant damage, the spirits summoned by Spirit Guardians deal a different type of damage, such as fire, cold, or lightning. This variation can add flavor and customization to the spell.

Increased range or area of effect: The Dungeon Master may allow the range or area of effect of 5e Spirit Guardians to be increased. This modification can make the spell more versatile and impactful in combat encounters.

Additional effects: The spirits summoned by Spirit Guardians 5e may have additional effects, such as imposing conditions on failed saving throws or providing temporary bonuses to allies within the area of effect. These additional effects can add depth and complexity to the spell.

Spirit Guardians 5e

Conclusion and final thoughts on Spirit Guardians in 5e

In conclusion, Spirit Guardians 5e is a spell that can turn the tide of any battle in Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Its versatile range, potent damage, and protective properties make it a powerful asset for any character. By understanding the mechanics of the spell, choosing the right class and race combinations, and optimizing your character's build, you can maximize the potential of Spirit Guardians 5e.

Remember to strategically position yourself on the battlefield, communicate with your allies, and make use of other spells and abilities that synergize well with Spirit Guardians. By doing so, you'll become a formidable force, protecting your allies and dealing devastating damage to your enemies. Embrace the power of the divine and watch as your enemies quiver before the might of your Spirit Guardians.

What is the range of the Spirit Guardians 5e spell?

Spirit Guardians 5e has a range of self with a 15-foot radius around the caster. This means the spell affects all creatures within 15 feet of you, unless you designate them as unaffected.

How long does the Spirit Guardians 5e spell last?

Spirit Guardians 5e lasts up to 10 minutes, as long as you maintain concentration. If your concentration is broken, the spell ends early.

Can Spirit Guardians 5e damage allies?

No, you can designate any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by the spell, so your allies can move through the area safely.

What kind of damage does Spirit Guardians 5e deal?

The damage type depends on your alignment. If you are good or neutral, the spell deals radiant damage. If you are evil, it deals necrotic damage.

What happens if an enemy succeeds on their Wisdom saving throw against Spirit Guardians?

If an enemy succeeds on their Wisdom saving throw, they take half the damage but are still slowed within the 15-foot radius.

Do Spirit Guardians 5e affect enemies immediately when cast?

No, enemies are only affected when they enter the radius for the first time on a turn or start their turn there. There is no initial damage upon casting.

Which classes can use Spirit Guardians 5e?

5e Spirit Guardians is available to Clerics by default. Paladins with the Oath of the Crown and Divine Soul Sorcerers can also access this spell.

Can Spirit Guardians 5e be upcast with higher-level spell slots?

Yes, when you cast 5e Spirit Guardians using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

What are some strategies for using Spirit Guardians effectively?

Positioning is crucial—stay near enemies but protect allies by designating them as unaffected. Combine with movement-forcing spells like Thunderwave, and use in narrow passages to maximize impact.

What should a DM consider when an enemy uses Spirit Guardians?

DMs should consider using enemies with high Wisdom saves, environmental hazards that can disrupt concentration, and intelligent foes who target the caster to balance the spell's power.